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Manage existing debt

Smart ways to reduce what you owe

Being in debt costs money. There may be fees for taking out a loan or credit card. That's why minimizing debt, as far as possible, is essential for your financial wellbeing.

If you are struggling with the high price of debt, you have several options:

Many Americans are in debt for items they really can’t afford (like big houses, cars, and daily trips to the coffee shop). If you aren’t sure whether you have too much debt, offers advice and support.

  1. Cut back
    Many people are in debt trying to pay for things that they can’t afford, like a big house, a car, or even just daily trips to the coffee shop. If this sounds like you, consider ways to reduce how much you spend.
  2. Talk to your lender
    You may feel worried by the thought of talking to your lender, but in many cases, they can offer help and a way forward. They may be able to offer you a short payment holiday, freeze the interest on your borrowing for a while, or amend the terms or interest rate you are paying.
  3. Consolidate your debts
    If you have multiple debts, it may be cheaper to consolidate these into one loan if it means a lower interest rate. Be aware of fees. You'll need to consider if there are fees and costs associated with repaying or consolidating your loans and if it will result in less debt to repay overall.
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